Burns Night Supper

Whisky, Haggis and Poetry - Burns Night at the Winning Post

Get ready for a fantastic celebration of life with our Burns Night bash at the Winning Post – it's going to be one to remember! 

As the sun dips and the chilly night takes over, bagpipes will start playing, signaling the start of our Burns Night shenanigans. Picture this: a kilted bagpiper playing hauntingly beautiful tunes that transport you straight to the misty hills of Scotland. The bagpipes set the vibe for an evening full of respect for tradition and all-out fun.

Burns Night Traditions at the Winning Post

Now, let's talk haggis. We've got the good stuff from Collins of Glasgow, masters of Scottish gastronomy. Get ready to savor haggis like never before – it's Scotland's culinary game at it’s best.

And the poetry reading!  It's not just any reading; same as last year, you can expect Will to provide a dramatic dive into Robert Burns' finest works. We're talking "Address to a Haggis" with all the passion and wit that screams Burns Night.

 Oh, but what's a Scottish celebration without a whisky toast? We've got a ‘braw’ selection of whiskies for all tastes. Let the amber goodness flow as we raise a glass to Robert Burns and the everlasting spirit of Scotland.

So, grab your tartan, round up the gang, book your spot, and let Burns Night work its magic.. Get ready for a night of laughs, drinks, and memories that'll stick around long after the bagpipes stop. Slàinte mhath!

POSTED: 22nd January 2024

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